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wow, march.
wasn't it JUST new years?

(side note: right now my mother is singing me the anthem for
Chihuahua, Mexico
which is rather hilarious!)
she's proving her point that although she's losing her memory
and her medication is making her memory WORSE...
today she's asked 4 times if i'm working this weekend...she forgets names and short term stuff
she can still sing EVERY verse of the
mexican national anthem
the one for the state of Chihuahua (where she grew up)

...she's still going...

this week and next are the end of the term for me.
* i have homework assignments
 * a research paper
* a final project in psychology
* and two tests
all weighing on my mind right now
because they're due/on monday.

and here i am on my blog.

i did complete my taxes though!
i made a goal to file them before march.
so i'm a few days behind...
but still feeling accomplished.
i only get a lousy $260 back.
but what can i expect when my parents claim me dependant,
and i only worked 5.5 months in the last year?
i'll count my blessings!

you know, i used to want nothing more than being completely independant.
but boy do i love the perks of living at home!
i have no shame. i will enjoy this while i can.
i have my dad's health insurance.
free rent.
free food.
i can save my money.
and enjoy the company of my parents.

you know, as a teenager,
i couldn't WAIT to be away from home and my parents.
i'd rather be with my friends over my family
but i'm over that.
over the years i've realized that family is more important.
i love my friends,
but i keep re-learning that friends come and go.
some through time, d i s t a n c e, or differences.
sometimes you may even feel you have NO friends...
yet family are the ones that are always there.
...family is forever...
and i love that!

once up on a time i couldn't wait to get away,
but now i'm cherishing this time i have with my parents...
because i know it will probably never happen again.
i also regret the times i treated my family terribly
due to my own personal issues.
i would blame them and avoid them
and be angry
but look who's still my #1 fan
and still loving me to no end...despite it all
my fam!
i love them.
and am grateful to call them mine.

my further news updates:
1. stake conference tonight and tomorrow. rumor has it the "Conyers Stake" will be formed.
changes will be made...sad, but this means the church is still growing growing growing!
2.  i'm no longer in the YSA branch here...back to the home ward, i feel much better there
 3.  next week i'll finish up final exams.
then i think i'll see about getting a second job.
i need to save up as much as i can.
 4. kevin and i have a skype date tomorrow
we take what we can get.

i liked these words of wisdom ...

"All blame is a waste of time.  
No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy."

-Wayne Dyer-

 “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.
I don’t believe in circumstances.
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up
and look for the circumstances they want,
and, if they can’t find them, make them.”

-George Bernard Shaw-


Chenda said...

LOVE that Wayne Dyer quote.

London said...

good luck on finals!!!!!!! i miss you!!! your mom is hilarious..i miss her too.

mrs. barlow said...

you are full of amazingness.