i did remember to wear green, thank you.
at work i get Wednesday off if i work the weekend.
and i worked this last weekend
so... i enjoyed my free day yesterday!
with her new "illness" or whatever it is, mom is not allowed to drive
so i spent the day taking her out places she wanted to go.
i feel bad she doesn't have the option to leave the house anymore whenever she wants.
she LOVES half-off wednesdays at salvation army...
haha...if you know how to look, you can find GREAT deals on good stuff.
after our "thrifting" - we went out to lunch: chinese and sushi and MMMMM!
then mom had her appointment at the neurologist...
her CAT scans came back normal, but one test they did, did not
it showed abnormal activity in her brain which confirmed her "episodes"
as seizures.
they don't know what CAUSES seizures, just some electrical brain shock that happens.
the Dr. prescribed a medication for her to see if it helps.
she is to take that and report back in 10 days how it's going.
she is still not allowed to drive for 6 months...
(if in 6 months she has not had more seizures, she'll be allowed to drive)
that's the hardest part for her.
we're grateful nothing showed up worse.
later we stopped by wal-mart to pick up her meds.
and hit up a furniture place she wanted to browse.
and hit up a furniture place she wanted to browse.
i had myLAST final exam last night too.
HOOrah for being done with my classes for the semester!
kevin was supposed to take his english test yesterday.
the building's internet was down and they couldn't do it.
needless to say, kevin was VERY UPSET.
this is probably the 3rd time his test has been postponed...it's always SOMEthing.
l a m e.
he needs to take it by the end of march for his byu application.
spring is in the air...i feel like everyone is having babies.
man, the trials your momma's dealing with are crazy. but that's so great it's nothing more severe. she's really lucky to have a daughter as selfless as you are. not many daughters would spend their day off helping their mom. that's for darn sure. it's truly inspirational how selfless you are. things will work out with kevin. it's all in the plan :)
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