i got letters from these two lovely ladies this week!...
Vasquez and Mijangos.
Two EXCELLENT excuses to visit Guatemala.

i'm craving this view again...
"el yunque" in puerto rico...not to mention my colombian man sitting to the left. :)...
other news:
Mom left today for her first ever cruise! cozumel, mexico. a girl trip.
though i wonder if she'll enjoy it, she can't seem to get over feeling like she's being selfish in going.
it amazes me how that woman never does anything for just herself.
i hope she can get over her guilt feelings and live it up for the week...after all...she will be there on her birthday. sept 19th...the big 6-0!!
so this leaves me home with dad for another week.
i'm not saying that in a bad way, just saying.
i get LDS thoughts emailed to me on M-W-F.
i enjoy a little spiritual uplift mid-workday hustle and bustle.
and i particularly liked today's:
"As an exceptional son or daughter of God, you are sorely needed. There is an urgent need for men and women who will stand for principles against the growing pressures to compromise those very principles. Men and women are required who will act nobly and courageously for what the Lord has defined as right, not for what is politically correct or socially acceptable. We need individuals who have the spiritual, righteous influence that will motivate others to enduring good."
That is a good quote. How do you get messages sent to you? I can't believe your mom turned 60 this year. I remember making fun of her as a freshman (?) for turning 50. Haha. Your poor mom.
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